UU Elevator Speech is part of the CORE Path of Faith Forward From Visitor to Leader. It is a 3-session series that guides participants through developing a short speech about our Unitarian Universalist faith. It is called an “elevator speech” because, on an elevator ride when someone asks you “what is Unitarian Universalism?” you only have a short time to make a meaningful statement! This class helps participants feel confident about articulating Unitarian Universalism, empowering them and helping them feel ownership. it also prepares leaders to live and speak about their faith in the larger community!
Facilitator Guide
Participant Handouts
Videos for sessions
Customizable Power Point slideshow for each session
Customizable promotional materials
Customizable sign-in sheet and evaluation form
Ready to subscribe?
“We believe in the value and worth of the part of God in every human being. Our faith: respects many ways to reach or mesh with a forgiving, gracious, loving power or spirit beyond our current human capabilities. My life has been impacted by this faith because it truly reflects my beliefs and values.”
“We are an inclusive faith that actively supports each person in exploring their own relationship with the Divine and building a better world based on that relationship.”
“UU’s believe all the world’s religious traditions, modern science and our own direct experiences are sources of wisdom. We affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every person, without exception, and we freely choose to work together to build a better world for all people (aka the Kingdom of God). Thus, our focus is on the here and now and not the afterlife. We don’t pretend to have all the answers. Instead, we journey together, living the questions. Our only doctrine is love. I feel welcomed, loved, inspired, and challenged at First Church and if you ever want to know more I would be happy to accompany you to one of our services.”
UU Elevator Speech FAQs
What does a subscription include?
Faith Forward UU Elevator Speech includes online access to the facilitator guide, participant handouts, videos, customizable Power Point slideshow for each session, customizable promotional materials. and a customizable sign-in sheet and evaluation form.
How does subscription payment work?
When you sign up for UU Elevator Speech, you pay the first-year fee. You will receive an invoice toward the end of the year for the $50 annual renewal fee, with a link to make your payment online.
How long is each session?
Each session of UU Elevator Speech is one-hour long.
What level of volunteer and professional staffing is needed to implement this?
UU Elevator Speech is designed to be facilitated by lay leaders in your congregation. The materials are very user-friendly - we've received this feedback consistently from UU congregations using Faith Forward materials! The facilitators do not need to be subject experts; it's more important that they know how to facilitate engagement with the content. It's a great opportunity for facilitators to develop and refine their own elevator speeches, and to learn from and be inspired by participants in the class!